- Self-regulation skills can be taught, learned, and controlled.
- In order to self-regulate, students must learn to self-compare their performance and become proactive learners.
- Some gifted students manage to do very well in school for many years without good self-regulation skills because of their high ability and/or an unchallenging curriculum.
- Some students who possess good self-regulation skills may be choosing not to employ them due to personal or social issues.
- High achievers set specific, realistic, and systematic learning goals for themselves and self- monitor frequently.
- There are many self-regulation strategies. Good self-regulators use multiple individualized strategies. There is no one best strategy that will work for all students all the time. Strategies involve personal, behavioral, and environmental categories.
- Self-regulation involves controlling behavior, motivational beliefs, and cognitive strategies for learning.
- There are three phases of self-regulation: forethought or preaction, performance control, and self-reflection.
- Teachers can help students learn self-regulation by shifting the responsibility for learning to the students, demonstrating self-regulatory techniques, and adapting a Learning Academy Model.
- Some of the important self-regulation skills for adolescents are goal-setting, self-consequating, time management and organization, study and learning strategies, and test-taking strategies.
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