Common Self-Regulation Strategies

The individual set of self-regulation strategies that are usually used by successful students fall into three categories: personal, behavioral, and environmental.

  1. Personal: These strategies usually involve how a student organizes and interprets information and can include:
    1. Organizing and transforming information

      • outlining
      • summarizing
      • rearrangement of materials
      • highlighting
      • flashcards/index cards
      • draw pictures, diagrams, charts
      • webs/mapping
    2. Goal setting and planning/standard setting

      • sequencing, timing, completing
      • time management and pacing
    3. Keeping records and monitoring

      • note-taking
      • lists of errors made
      • record of marks
      • portfolio, keeping all drafts of assignments
    4. Rehearsing and memorizing (written or verbal; overt or covert)

      • mnemonic devices
      • teaching someone else the material
      • making sample questions
      • using mental imagery
      • using repetition
  2. Behavioral: These strategies involve actions that the student takes.

    1. Self-evaluating (checking quality or progress)

      • task analysis (What does the teacher want me to do? What do I want out of it?)
      • self-instructions; enactive feedback
      • attentiveness
    2. Self-consequating

      • treats to motivate; self-reinforcement
      • arrangement or imagination of punishments; delay of gratification
  3. Environmental: These strategies involve seeking assistance and structuring of the physical study environment.

    1. Seeking information (library, Internet)

      • library resources
      • Internet resources
      • reviewing cards
      • rereading records, tests, textbooks
    2. Environmental structuring

      • selecting or arranging the physical setting
      • isolating/ eliminating or minimizing distractions
      • break up study periods and spread them over time
    3. Seeking social assistance

      • from peers
      • from teachers or other adults
      • emulate exemplary models

Next Section: How-to Instruction for Self-Regulated Learning Strategies
Previous Section: Phases of Self-Regulation