Study and Learning Strategies—Learn by Doing: Active Studying

lessonbWhen you study, do you just look over your notes or reread the textbook? Does your mind wander when you do this or do you fall asleep? To study more effectively, you need to be more active. When you study you should speak, write, simulate, draw, and manipulate whenever possible. Try checking off the strategies you use regularly and effectively on the list. The next time you have to learn something, try one of the unchecked strategies and evaluate its usefulness for that specific learning task.

A printable version of the Active Study Checklist can be found HERE.

Active Study checklist:


1.____ I describe or explain the topic out loud, in my own words.
2.____ I record into a tape recorder.
3.____ I teach or explain the information to someone else.
4.____ I role play a part.
5.____ I simulate the lesson.
6.____ I recite the answers to questions on the topic that I made up myself.


1.____ I make a chapter study review by writing key points on index cards.
2.____ I make and use flashcards for short answer questions or concepts.
3.____ I make lists of related information by categories.
4.____ I draw a diagram, map, sketch, timeline, or chart from memory, then check the book for accuracy.
5.____ I write questions I think will be on the test and recite the answers.
6.____ I create semantic maps (visual representation of ideas) to summarize the unit (webs, sequence chains, Venn diagrams).
7.____ I use mnemonics to remember information.
8.____ I rewrite class notes, rearranging the information in my own words.


1.____ I close my eyes and picture in my mind what I am trying to remember (chart, map, event, scene, experiment, character).
2.____ I try to remember where information is located on a page.
3.____ I picture in my mind how I think the test will look, based on previous similar tests.
4.____ I organize and design graphic organizers to put abstract information into concrete and visual form.
5.____ I represent concepts with symbols so I can remember them.

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