Just off the Press

Fall 1992 Masthead

Creative Problem Solving: An Introduction
Donald J. Treffinger and Scott G. Isaksen
Sarasota, FL

This is the latest update of the long-standing and widely researched Creative Problem Solving (CPS) model, building on more than three decades of research, development, and field experience. This book provides a clear, concise overview of the three important components of CPS (Understanding the Problem, Generating Ideas, and Planning for Action), and the six specific CPS stages (Mess-Finding, Data-Finding, Problem-Finding, Idea-Finding, Solution-Finding, and Acceptance-Finding). It presents newly revised and updated definitions of creative and critical thinking, “Mess Mapping,” a number of new CPS strategies, and updated information on applying CPS.

Copies may be obtained from:
Center for Creative Learning, Inc.
4152 Independence Court, Suite C-7
Sarasota, FL 34234-2147

Programs and Practices in Gifted Education: Projects Funded by the Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act of 1988
Sandra L. Berger
The ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children
Reston, VA

Find out who is doing what, where. This directory of 46 projects provides information on what has been accomplished by projects serving the “difficult to identify” culturally and linguistically diverse and underachieving gifted and talented population. Comprehensive, detailed descriptions include program goals and target population characteristics. Two overviews make information easy to retrieve. This product is also available on diskette for Macintosh users who have Filemaker Pro software by Claris.

To order call:
No.R636. 1992. 220 pp.
CEC Member Price $12.50
Regular Price $18.00

Understanding Those Who Create
Jane Piirto
University of Ashland
Ashland, OH

This book is a comprehensive synthesis of the research into creativity and the creative process. Part I explores creativity and giftedness. Part II discusses the measurement of creativity. Part III discusses creative people by domain. There are separate chapters on creative writers; visual artists; scientists, mathematicians and inventors; musicians and composers; and actors and dancers. Part IV discusses how teachers and parents can enhance creativity in children. James Alvino called it “a genuine magnum opus on creativity”; Rena Subotnik called it “an important contribution to the field”; Mary Meeker called it “fair, objective and positive.” The book contains 360 pages and several hundred references. The author is Director of Gifted Education at Ashland University, former principal of the Hunter College Elementary School, and a published novelist and poet.

Price: $20.00
Ohio Psychology Press, Dayton, OH
Ashland, Ohio

How Do Teachers Understand Research When They Read it?
J. S. Zeuli
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI

Attention to teachers’ beliefs has become an essential feature of studies designed to help teachers understand research. The beliefs on which researchers and teacher educators typically focus are teachers’ beliefs about teaching and learning. Teachers’ beliefs about educational research, however, may also strongly influence their understanding and use of research. This study provides a description and analysis of how teachers read research in light of their prior beliefs about what research is and how it should influence their teaching. The subjects of the study were two distinct groups of teachers with varying levels of prior involvement with educational research. One group included five former “teacher collaborators” who had worked with researchers on research projects for at least one year. The second group was comprised of eight teachers with considerably less experience with research. In light of teachers’ prior beliefs about research, the author shows that teachers differed substantively in terms of their willingness and/or ability to read and understand research.

Copies may be obtained by calling 517-353-4994


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