Research in Progress

June 1991 Masthead

Longitudinal Study of PACE
Sidney M. Moon, John F. Feldhusen, Purdue University

What are the long range effects of participation in an elementary, enrichment, pullout program on gifted students? In order to investigate this question we are beginning an ongoing longitudinal study of gifted students who participated in the Program for Academic and Creative Enrichment (PACE) (Feldhusen & Kolloff, 1979,1986; Kolloff & Feldhusen, 1981).

In the first phase of our research, twenty-three twelfth graders who had participated in the PACE program for at least three years during elementary school were asked to complete a follow-up questionnaire. Parents of these students completed a parallel form of the questionnaire. In addition, ten of the twenty-three families were selected by criterion-based sampling procedures for in-depth family interviews. Using constant comparative data analysis methods (Glaser & Strauss, 1976; Goetz & LeCompte, 1984), several categories of program benefits (cognitive, affective, and social) and one category of program hindrances (pullout format) were derived inductively from the data. In addition, grounded theory was developed about the role of PACE in developing academic talent and about interactions between the PACE program and the family systems of participating students.

The findings suggest that (1) both students and parents perceived that the PACE pullout program had a moderately positive impact on participating students, (2) the PACE program was moderately effective in achieving program goals, (3) PACE was an effective “early years” talent development experience for most participating students, and (4) PACE created subtle changes in the family systems of most participating students.

The next phase of our research will be directed toward the development of a standardized questionnaire that can be administered to subsequent cohorts of twelfth graders who participated in PACE while in elementary school. We would be interested in sharing information with other investigators who are conducting longitudinal studies of gifted programs in school settings. We would also be interested in hearing from school corporations that have implemented the PACE program and would be interested in participating in-our research.

Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, A. L. (1967). The discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research. New York: Aldine.
Goetz, J. P., & LeCompte, M. D. (1984). Ethnography and qualitative design in educational research. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Feldhusen, J. F., & Kolloff, M. B. (1979). A three-stage model for gifted education. Gifted Child Today, 4, 3-5, 53-57.
Feldhusen, J. F., & Kolloff, M. B. (1986). The Purdue three-stage model for gifted education at the elementary level. In J. S. Renzulli (Ed.), Systems and models for developing programs for the gifted and talented (pp. 126-153). Mansfield Center: CT: Creative Learning Press.
Kolloff, M. B., & Feldhusen, J. F. (1981). PACE (Program for Academic and Creative Enrichment): An application of the three-stage model. Gifted Child Today, 18, 47-50.

Early Assessment for Exceptional Potential and Cooperative Alliance in Gifted Education
Dr. Beverly D. Shaklee, Kent State University

Two major research projects in gifted child education are underway at Kent State University. Funded through the auspices of the Office of Educational Research Improvement, U.S. Department of Education, the Early Assessment for Exceptional Potential project and Cooperative Alliance in Gifted Education are providing unique opportunities for study to graduate students, university and school-based faculty.

The Early Assessment for Exceptional Potential in Young Minority and/or Economically Disadvantaged Students (Shaklee, 1989) was funded by the Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act. This three year project is using computer-assisted analysis of videotaped samples of representative behaviors as the basis for identification of exceptional intellectual potential. Currently videotaping in five classrooms representing K-3, the videographic data is analyzed using VIDATA and DATA (Zuckerman, 1986). These computer programs allow research analysts to determine examples of key identifiers of intellectual potential as evidenced by young minority and/or economically disadvantaged children while engaged in challenging lessons in science and social studies. Additional analysis permit the user to examine the videographic data for frequency, duration, patterns of occurrence and/or cycles of occurrence. Phases II and III of the project are designed to prepare regular primary classroom teachers to: employ observational analysis to identify exceptional potential; modify and individualize instruction appropriately; and, create a cohort group of primary classroom teachers who are able to instruct others in the use of this model.

The Cooperative Alliance in Gifted Education (Shaklee, 1990) was funded through the Educational Partnerships Act. This four year project, designed in collaboration with IBM and Cleveland Public Schools Kennedy-Marshall Cluster, has targeted: the creation of a cooperative alliance among public schools, higher education and the private sector; the expansion of the Early Assessment non-traditional assessment model to grades 4-8; the creation of a computer network between gifted education and regular education classrooms with further links to community agencies; the creation of joint inquiry oriented classroom curriculum which is delivered through the use of technology; and, the thorough examination and evaluation of all components including the impact of collaborative efforts between business, public schools and institutions of higher education. Major research questions being examined for this project include: attitudinal development and change for all stakeholders; reliability and validity of the non-traditional assessment methodology; curriculum development from both student and teacher perspectives; and, technological assessment of student progress.

For further information on either project please contact:
Dr. Beverly D. Shaklee, Project Director
Early Assessment/CAGE
308 White Hall
Kent State University
Kent, OH 44242
(216) 672-3695
FAX (216) 672-3407


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